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How to Calculate Keyword Ranking Points Average and Choose the Right Local SEO Plan

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When it comes to local SEO, understanding your keyword performance is crucial. By calculating the Keyword Ranking Points Average (KRPA), you can determine how well your keywords are ranking and choose the most suitable local SEO plan for your business. This guide will walk you through the steps of calculating KRPA and help you select the right SEO plan to boost your online presence.

What is Keyword Ranking Points Average (KRPA)?

KRPA is a metric used to assess the average performance of a set of keywords based on their positions in search engine results. It helps you evaluate how effectively your keywords are ranking and guides you in selecting the appropriate SEO plan to improve your visibility.

How to Calculate KRPA

Calculating KRPA involves assigning points to each keyword based on its ranking position and then averaging these points. Check your keywords ranking for your Google Business Profile

Here's how you can do it:

  1. Assign Points Based on Ranking:

    • 1 point for keywords ranking between positions 1-3.

    • 2 points for keywords ranking between positions 4-10.

    • 3 points for keywords ranking between positions 11-19.

    • 4 points for keywords ranking at position 20 and above.

  2. Sum the Points: Add up the points assigned to each keyword.

  3. Calculate the Average: Divide the total points by the number of keywords to get the KRPA.


Let's say you have 10 keywords with the following ranks:

  • Keyword 1: Rank 2 (1 point)

  • Keyword 2: Rank 15 (3 points)

  • Keyword 3: Rank 8 (2 points)

  • Keyword 4: Rank 22 (4 points)

  • Keyword 5: Rank 10 (2 points)

  • Keyword 6: Rank 5 (2 points)

  • Keyword 7: Rank 1 (1 point)

  • Keyword 8: Rank 18 (3 points)

  • Keyword 9: Rank 25 (4 points)

  • Keyword 10: Rank 12 (3 points)

Total Points: 25

KRPA: 25 points / 10 keywords = 2.5

Choosing the Right Local SEO Plan

Once you have calculated your KRPA, the next step is to choose the local SEO plan that best matches your current keyword performance. Here's a breakdown of the plans available:

  • Local Dominate Plan (KRPA 3.6 to 4): Ideal for businesses whose keywords are mostly ranked beyond the top 20. This plan focuses on intensive strategies to significantly improve your rankings.

  • Local Accelerate Plan (KRPA 2.6 to 3.5): Best suited for businesses with keywords in the middle ranks (positions 11-19). The plan is designed to push your keywords into the top 10.

  • Local Promote Plan (KRPA 1.6 to 2.5): Perfect for businesses with keywords that are close to breaking into the top 10. The plan emphasizes targeted strategies to secure top positions.

  • Endure Plan (KRPA 1 to 1.5): This plan is for businesses with keywords already ranking in the top 10. It focuses on maintaining and slightly improving these positions.


Understanding your KRPA allows you to make informed decisions about your local SEO strategy. By calculating the average points for your keywords, you can choose the plan that aligns with your goals and current performance. Whether you need to dominate the search results or just fine-tune your rankings, selecting the right local SEO plan will help you achieve lasting success.

For a personalized SEO audit and to learn more about which plan is right for your business, feel free to contact Vramco Technologies. Let us help you rank in the top 3 on Google and boost your local visibility!

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