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When Should I Post on Google My Business Profile Listing?

Updated: 9 hours ago

google my business seo expert

Google My Business (GMB) is a powerful platform that allows businesses to connect with their local customers directly through Google Search and Maps. One effective way to engage your audience is by posting regular updates, offers, and events on your GMB profile. But timing is crucial to maximize the reach and impact of your posts. In this blog, we’ll explore the best times to post on GMB and highlight how a GMB expert can help optimize your posting strategy.

Importance of Posting on Google My Business

1. Enhances Visibility

Regular posts keep your business profile active and up-to-date, increasing your chances of appearing in local search results.

2. Engages Customers

Posting relevant updates, offers, and events helps you stay connected with your customers, encouraging them to interact with your business.

3. Boosts Local SEO

Frequent posts signal to Google that your business is engaged and active, which can positively impact your local search rankings.

Best Times to Post on Google My Business

1. Understand Your Audience

Before deciding on the best times to post, it’s essential to understand your audience’s behavior. Consider factors such as your business type, target demographic, and customer habits.

2. General Posting Times

While the optimal posting time can vary based on your specific audience, here are some general guidelines:

  • Weekdays: Posting during weekdays, particularly between 9 AM and 11 AM, tends to attract more views and engagement. This timeframe captures customers who are starting their day and checking their notifications.

  • Weekends: If your business operates on weekends or hosts special events, consider posting between 10 AM and 1 PM. Weekend mornings are typically less crowded with other posts, giving your updates more visibility.

3. Analyze Insights

GMB Insights provides valuable data on when your listing receives the most views and interactions. Use this data to identify peak times and days for your audience.

4. Test and Adjust

Experiment with posting at different times and monitor the engagement metrics. Adjust your strategy based on what works best for your audience. Consistent testing helps you find the optimal posting schedule.

Types of Posts and Timing

1. What's New Posts

When to Post: Early in the week (Monday or Tuesday) and early in the day (9 AM - 11 AM) to capture attention at the start of the week.

2. Event Posts

When to Post: A few days before the event, preferably mid-week (Wednesday or Thursday) and late morning (10 AM - 12 PM) to allow time for planning and RSVPs.

3. Offer Posts

When to Post: Early in the week to maximize the offer's visibility throughout the week. Posting in the morning (9 AM - 11 AM) is recommended.

4. Product Posts

When to Post: Mid-week (Wednesday) and mid-morning (10 AM - 12 PM) to attract customers who are planning their purchases for the weekend.

How a Google My Business Expert Can Help

While these general guidelines can be a good starting point, a GMB expert can help tailor your posting strategy to your specific business needs. Here’s how:

1. Customized Strategy

A GMB expert can analyze your audience’s behavior and create a customized posting schedule that maximizes engagement and visibility.

2. Content Creation

Creating compelling and relevant content is crucial for engagement. A GMB expert can assist in crafting posts that resonate with your audience and drive action.

3. Performance Monitoring

Regularly monitoring the performance of your posts is essential for refining your strategy. A GMB expert can track key metrics, provide insights, and suggest adjustments to improve results.

4. Ensuring Compliance

A GMB expert ensures that your posts comply with Google’s guidelines, avoiding any potential issues that could affect your listing’s visibility.


Posting on Google My Business at the right times can significantly enhance your visibility, customer engagement, and local SEO. By understanding your audience, analyzing insights, and testing different posting times, you can develop an effective posting strategy.

At Vramco Technologies, our team of GMB experts is dedicated to helping businesses optimize their Google My Business profiles. Contact us today to learn how we can assist you in creating a tailored posting schedule that maximizes your online presence and drives customer engagement.

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